Birthday Offering

Current Recipients | Birthday Offering Resources | Applying for a Birthday Offering Grant | Promotional videos and more!

The Birthday Offering is one of Presbyterian Women’s two offerings. Received in the spring each year, it gives women a tangible way to celebrate the blessings in their lives. The Birthday Offering funds up to five projects each year, in amounts of $75,000 to $150,000 each.

Give to the Birthday Offering

See a list of projects funded by the Birthday Offering

Birthday Offering Resources

Promotional materials are mailed to Presbyterian Women leaders in February each year.

The booklet and a number of other resources are available to help you promote the Birthday Offering.

2024 Birthday Offering Recipients

Advocates for Community Choice dba Bethel Hills
Villa 5 Apartments and Recreation Area
Marthasville, Missouri

Many adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD) experience difficulties finding appropriate and affordable housing and often struggle to make friends and thrive in the wider community. Many are placed in nursing homes, boarding homes, with aging parents or in other environments that are expensive and isolating. Bethel Hills addresses the unique needs of individuals with I/DD by providing a safe and loving place that takes into consideration their physical, emotional and spiritual needs in an environment where they can flourish.

By renovating a villa into four accessible apartments for eight individuals, this project will provide housing that takes into consideration specific needs unique to the residents, such as addressing acute sensitivity to sounds, bright light and certain colors. The new recreational area will offer space for art and music therapy and other leisure activities for people with and without intellectual/developmental disabilities. With the Birthday Offering grant, Bethel Hills will expand its mission to provide supportive, faith-based, inclusive community where all are accepted and valued.

Shawnee Presbyterian Church
Café Gingko
Louisville, Kentucky

Shawnee Presbyterian Church serves as a welcoming beacon of light for their community in Louisville. Located in an economically disadvantaged area where single mothers and children face challenges of food insecurity, the church started addressing this need in August 2019. The small yet dedicated congregation began serving free dine-in meals at Café Gingko, named for a ginkgo tree located at the building’s north entrance. On average, 30 meals were served at Café Gingko each Monday. In 2020, the pandemic put a stop to
the program.

At present, the need for healthy food and fellowship continues to grow. With the Birthday Offering grant, Café Gingko will be able to reopen with a renovated kitchen and expanded capacity to provide meals. Improvements to the fellowship hall will allow the church to offer enriching activities: tutoring for elementary ages, Gingko Play Zone, financial literacy classes and Mama-to-Mama parenting workshops. The members of Shawnee Presbyterian Church will reach out and serve their beloved community with resilience and strength—just like the ginkgo tree outside their door.

Click here to see the promotional video on the Presbyterian Women YouTube channel

Applying for a Birthday Offering Grant

Grant requests come from a variety of national and international sources, such as PC(USA) governing bodies, health agencies, overseas churches, ecumenical councils, community groups, educational institutions, and church-related groups.

Projects must meet the criteria outlined in the grant application.


Learn about giving to the Birthday Offering or applying for a Birthday Offering grant by contacting Cheri Harper.

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