Birthday Offering

Current Recipients | Birthday Offering Resources | Applying for a Birthday Offering Grant | Promotional videos and more!

The Birthday Offering is one of Presbyterian Women’s two offerings. Received in the spring each year, it gives women a tangible way to celebrate the blessings in their lives. The Birthday Offering funds up to five projects each year, in amounts of $75,000 to $150,000 each.

Give to the Birthday Offering

See a list of projects funded by the Birthday Offering

Birthday Offering Resources

Promotional materials are mailed to Presbyterian Women leaders in February each year.

The booklet and a number of other resources are available to help you promote the Birthday Offering.

2025 Birthday Offering Recipients

Leland Presbyterian Church
Windward Volunteer Housing Facility
Leland, Mississippi

Much of the population around Leland Presbyterian Church, located in the heart of the Mississippi Delta region, struggles with barriers to adequate housing, healthcare and food access. When disaster strikes, residents do not have adequate resources to recover. Volunteers who travel from outside the area to assist in home repairs and community improvements can be the determining factor in whether a family can fully recover.

This Birthday Offering grant will help build a housing facility at Leland Presbyterian Church. Windward Volunteer Housing will offer safe and comfortable accommodations, including showers, laundry equipment and a kitchen. Members of the community who need a temporary place to stay and volunteer groups who come for disaster recovery will find a warm welcome in Leland.

Red Cloud Renewable
Lakota Thiyuha Dome Home Project
Pine Ridge, South Dakota

Tribal communities in the U.S. are experiencing a housing crisis, and the Pine Ridge Reservation alone needs an estimated 4,000 to 5,000 homes. Responding to this great challenge, Red Cloud Renewable, a Native-led grassroots nonprofit organization on the Pine Ridge Reservation, provides free training and workforce development opportunities designed to “teach our tribal relatives to fish.”

Thiyuha in Lakota roughly translates to “having a home; starting a family; settling down; creating new life.” The Lakota Thiyuha Project aims to increase housing availability through construction of innovative dome homes that are energy efficient, economical, simple in design and easily teachable. The Birthday Offering grant will construct three dome homes, providing housing as well as creating publicity for this affordable option. Construction apprentices will gain experience in this building technique that can rapidly and affordably increase housing availability for Lakota families in need.

Click here to see the promotional video on the Presbyterian Women YouTube channel.

Applying for a Birthday Offering Grant

Grant requests come from a variety of national and international sources, such as PC(USA) governing bodies, health agencies, overseas churches, ecumenical councils, community groups, educational institutions, and church-related groups.

Projects must meet the criteria outlined in the grant application.


Learn about giving to the Birthday Offering or applying for a Birthday Offering grant by contacting Cheri Harper.

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