Quarterly Newsletter (second quarter 2019)
The second-quarter newsletter is now available! Get the highlights of the spring 2019 PW, Inc. board meeting (held via Zoom videoconferencing!), learn about the upcoming PW/Horizons Bible study, new resources available to support giving to PW, an update from a Birthday Offering project, two justice initiatives, plus read a message from PW’s new churchwide moderator, JyungIn Lee, and one from PW’s vice moderator for justice and peace, Joy Durrant! This newsletter reflects PW happenings from February 10, 2019 through April 20, 2019.
Each quarter, learn about the worthwhile and exciting work of Presbyterian Women by downloading and reading PW’s quarterly churchwide newsletter. You’ll be in the know about all the latest leadership and mission opportunities, new resources, giving opportunities, peace and justice programs, special events, offerings and more!