Giving from the Presbytery

If you are a Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery treasurer, work with your coordinating team to promote all PW giving opportunities.
Mission Pledge, PW’s annual fund
      • Thank Offering
      • Birthday Offering
      • Honorary Life Memberships
      • Recognition and Memorial Gifts
      • Together in Service
      • Publishing Ministry
      • Fellowship of the Least Coin
      • Widening the Circle 

PW in the Presbytery treasurers should forward contributions received from congregations to Presbyterian Women Churchwide (with the PW in the Presbytery Remittance form) according to the quarterly deadlines:
      • March 15
      • June 15
      • September 15
      • December 15

Download a remittance form for PW in the Presbytery

To ask a question or to learn more about Giving from the Presbytery, contact Rhonda Martin.