Let Justice Roll Down Ecumenical Edition
2024–2025 PW/Horizons Bible study
By Patricia K. Tull with Suggestions for Leaders by Rebecca Barnes
The ecumenical edition of Let Justice Roll Down: God’s Call for Neighbors and All Creation draws us together in a study community across denominations. According to Scripture, the earth and its members belong to God. We are called to care for creation not only because God loves it, but also because a healthy creation supports human well-being. While the biblical writers knew nothing of modern forms of environmental degradation, they did express deeply held views about social justice and even land justice. Humans are part of creation, and what impacts creation impacts us, especially the poorest and most vulnerable. Within the nine lessons, readers will learn about ecological systems, the challenges we face in this time of accelerated climate change, and the possibilities (large and small!) available to address or counter the impact of human-made stress on our environment.