Patricia (Pam) Snyder 2024-2027 Moderator
Kelsey Law 2024-2027 Vice moderator
Ximena Leroux PC(USA) representative
Victoria Alexander Young Women's Representative at Large
Betsy Berry Synod representative, South Atlantic
Anita Betts Synod representative, Covenant
Alpha Brown Synod representative, Northeast
Corinne Quinn Synod representative, Pacific
Judith (Judy) Wellington Native American Member at Large
Carol Barta Synod representative, Living Waters
Shonda Galloway Synod representative, Mid-America
Ellie Grove Synod representative, Trinity
Carmen (Janira) Colon Hispanic/Latina Member at Large
Susan Ingels Synod representative, Lakes and Prairies
Woong Soon Lee Korean American Member at Large
Shelda Wills Synod representative, Mid-Atlantic
Kristen Campbell Synod representative, Sun
Andrea Ralph African American Member at Large
Ruth Fong Asian American Member at Large
Christine Casanova Synod representative, Southwest
Susan Brooks Finance Chair
Sonia Minerva Pérez Synod representative, Boriquén (Puerto Rico)
Bianca Osorio Young Women's Representative at Large
Beth Snyder Synod representative, Lincoln Trails
Brenda Beliel Synod representative, Rocky Mountains
Terri Sherman Search Committee Moderator
Mirna Wasef Young Women's Representative at Large
Carole Wheeler Synod representative, Southern California/Hawaii
Barbara (Brown) Brown Synod representative, Alaska-Northwest
Youna Momtaz Middle Eastern American Member at Large
Board of Directors
Presbyterian Women, Inc.’s board of directors is also known as the Churchwide Coordinating Team. This group of Presbyterian Women has primary responsibility for the ongoing life of PW and serves as the administrative body for PW between Churchwide Gatherings.
Board Officers
Susan Jackson Dowd
Rhonda Martin
April Davenport