Bible study

  • Bible Study Blog

    Reconciling Paul
    Lesson Five

    Reconciliation and the Whole Creation Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:11–6:10 Key Idea: Lesson five invites us to expand our understanding of reconciliation, …
    • Read Time 7 minute read
    • Publish Date 12/17/2014
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  • Bible Study Blog

    Reconciling Paul
    Lesson Four

    Carrying in Our Bodies Jesus' Acts of Healing, Reconciliation, and Love Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:7–5:10 Key Idea: Lesson four focuses on …
    • Read Time 5 minute read
    • Publish Date 11/26/2014
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  • Bible Study Blog

    Reconciling Paul
    Lesson Three

    Covenants and God's Enduring Faithfulness Do you believe there could be a way to embrace the fullness of God revealed in …
    • Read Time 5 minute read
    • Publish Date 10/23/2014
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  • Bible Study Blog

    Reconciling Paul
    Lesson Two

    Paul in the Context of Ancient Corinth Scripture: 2 Corinthians 1:1–2:4 Key Idea: This lesson offers a basic outline of 2 …
    • Read Time 5 minute read
    • Publish Date 09/29/2014
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  • Bible Study Blog

    Reconciling Paul
    Lesson One

    Travel Travel was the theme for my summer as I began to introduce Reconciling Paul, the 2014/2015 Horizons Bible Study.  I …
    • Read Time 5 minute read
    • Publish Date 08/16/2014
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