Global Exchange

The Global Exchange takes a group of Presbyterian Women to another part of the world to learn about the lives of women there and to share faith stories and ministries with each other. It is an exchange because a group of women from the Global Exchange destination is invited to attend the Churchwide Gathering of Presbyterian Women to tell their stories to their North American sisters. Topics raised during Global Exchanges also inform the emphases of USA Mission Experiences.

The Global Exchange and USA Mission Experience take place in alternating trienniums. The next Global Exchange will take place in the 2021–2024 triennium.

2017 Global Exchange to Indonesia

Building Bridges of Understanding
The 2017 Global Exchange took a group of U.S. Presbyterian women to Indonesia, September 12–29, 2017. Guided by Romans 1:12 (“. . . so that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine”), participants learned how to live respectfully in a multifaith culture and encourage and accompany one another as together they seek a more peaceful and just world.

This fact-finding, relationship-building trip included one woman from each synod, who, for the two years following the exchange, shares what she experienced with her synod. The January/February 2018 issue of Horizons details the trip and Indonesian women completed the “exchange” part of the trip by attending the 2018 PW Gathering!

Download an article by PC(USA) mission co-worker Farsijana Adeney-Risakotta about Griya Jati Rasa (House of Authentic Sense) Co-op, which received a Thank Offering grant in 2018.

To ask a question or to learn more about Global Exchange, contact Cheri Harper.

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