Position Training

Whether you’re a seasoned leader or taking on your first leadership role in Presbyterian Women, tools are available to help! PW leaders serve on coordinating teams at the presbytery, synod and national level, and often at the congregational level, depending on the needs of the PWC.

Presbyterian Women in the Congregation, Presbytery and Synod

For Presbyterian Women in the Congregation, Presbytery and Synod groups, particular leadership roles on coordinating teams depend on the needs and emphases of the group.

Sample bylaws outline possible coordinating team models. Download sample bylaws for
      • Presbyterian Women in the Congregation
      • Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery
      • Presbyterian Women in the Synod

Presbyterian Women Churchwide’s leadership roles are outlined in the bylaws.

Leader Criteria

When a congregation decides to leave the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), some of the women who choose to stay with that congregation may want to remain in relationship with Presbyterian Women, despite no longer being members of the PC(USA). All Presbyterian women are welcome, as anyone who supports the PW Purpose is part of Presbyterian Women! But PW’s bylaws stipulate that some leadership roles must be held by members of the PC(USA).

Presbyterian Women in the Congregation: The moderator, vice moderator and treasurer positions must be members of the PC(USA). Also, at least two-thirds of the PWC coordinating team must be members of the denomination. Appointed leaders—including circle leaders, special event coordinators and mission interpretation representatives—do not need to be members of the PC(USA).

Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery: All elected leaders must be members of the PC(USA). Appointed leaders—such as gathering leaders, special event coordinators or mission interpretation representatives—do not need to be members of the PC(USA).

Presbyterian Women in the Synod: All elected leaders must be members of the PC(USA). Appointed leaders—such as gathering leaders, special event coordinators or mission interpretation representatives—do not need to be members of the PC(USA).

Presbyterian Women Churchwide: Voting representatives, board members and members of the search committee must be members of the PC(USA).

For more information, download the Report of the National Task Group on Presbyterian Women Groups in PC(USA) Churches Seeking Dismissal.


To ask a question or to learn more about Position Training, contact Susan Jackson Dowd.